Day 2: The Roaring 20’s (The 1920s)
Activity 1: Popular Culture – The Silent Movie 
The 1920s saw a massive surge in the number of people going to the movies. Huge new cinemas were built in both Auckland (The Civic Theater) and Dunedin (Empire De Luxe). The most popular type of movies showing at local NZ cinemas were ‘silent’ films. Gold Rush is an example of an iconic silent film. It features a famous actor named Charlie Chaplin.
Watch the trailer for Gold Rush. On your blog, tell us what you think the movie is about. There are no words spoken movie so you will need to pay careful attention to what the actors are doing! Do you think you would enjoy watching a silent film? Why/Why not?
This movie is about a journey of a man that meets hilarious people on his trek trying to be the first to discover GOLD!
I think I would enjoy watching this movie but after a while I would get a little bored and confused because no one is speaking and I might not understand what’s going on.
Activity 2: Art Deco
In the 1920s a new artistic movement emerged in New Zealand (and around the world). It was called ‘Art Deco.’ The picture to the right is a classic example of an ‘Art Deco’ piece. Take a close look at the painting. Do you like it?
On your blog, give the painting a rating out of 5 stars (1 star = terrible painting, 2 stars = pretty bad painting, 3 stars = okay painting, 4 stars = good painting and 5 stars = amazing painting). After you’ve rated the painting out of 5, tell us why you gave it that rating.
Self Portrait By Tamara de Lempicka
{ My Rating }
I give this painting 2 stars because it’s not my cup of tea. There is nothing intriguing about it and the women in the painting has no facial expression at all, it looks like she's doesn't want to be in the car driving. It also doesn’t have much colour it just looks so bland.
Bonus Activity: Crossing the Tasman
In 1928, a crew of four men flew, for the first time, across the Tasman from Australia to New Zealand. One of the men on board the Southern Cross airplane was a New Zealander named T.H. McWilliams. His job was to operate the radio in the airplane. Unfortunately, the radio stopped working shortly after take-off and the rain and ice were so heavy that the pilot, Kingsford Smith, couldn’t see out of his front windscreen. Yikes! Fortunately, the plane made it all the way across the Tasman landing in Christchurch after a 14 hour trip.
Imagine that you were a member of the flight crew. Write a poem that describes how you would have felt when you landed safely in Christchurch after such a long trip. Remember, there are lots of different types of poems, and they don’t all have to rhyme. You can read more about different types of poems by clicking here.
{ Colour Poem }
Black is the darkness
Lurking through the air,
Black are the terrifying thoughts going through my head,
Black is the feeling before relief
Black is the feeling before light and happiness.
Hey there Katelyn, great to see you have been blogging over the summer holiday break.
ReplyDeleteI liked reading your honest opinion about the Gold Rush movie. It was funny how you said that you might get bored because there is no speaking in the film. I think that is one of my biggest concerns with silent films too. I am not sure I will be able to watch one either.
What kind of movies do you usually like to watch? What has been your favourite one this year?
Thanks for reviewing the painting and speaking honestly about it. I can see what you are saying about the woman lacking facial expressions and also the colour is a little bland. The only part of it that has some colour which stands out is her lipstick. Her outfit is a bit odd too.
What kind of paintings do you prefer?
I liked reading your poem. It was very dark and scary but it suits the feelings you get from reading the story. Well done, I especially like the line; 'lurking through the air'. Very spooky!
Keep up the great work!
Hey Billy,
ReplyDeleteI usually like watching animated and action movies, my favorite movie that I have seen this year is Justice League because it was hilarious and very entertaining.
I like paintings that have a lot of color and look like they have a very interesting story behind it.
Thanks Katelyn : )
Hi Katelyn,
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog posts and I am really impressed at your insightful answers.
You are really connecting with the information you have been reading and your answers show this.
I am enjoying the reasons you give for why you do and don't like certain things.
Keep up the great blogging!
Mrs Middleton