
Friday, 29 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 5

Day 5: Coming to an End
Activity 1: VE Day!
After six long years of fighting, World War II finally came to an end in 1945.
The entire country was ecstatic and parties were thrown all over New Zealand
to celebrate VE Day (Victory in Europe). Imagine that you were living in New Zealand
in 1945 and you had to plan a VE day party at your house. Who would you invite?
What would you do to celebrate?

On your blog, tell us all about your (imaginary) VE party. If it was me,
I would invite all of my closest friends and family over to my house for a big barbecue.
We would eat hamburgers and play basketball in the driveway. Some of us would
probably walk to the local beach to play soccer on the beach and to go for a swim
(if the weather was warm enough)!

My VE Party!
I would invite all my closest family members and we would have a nice roast lunch with
mashed potatoes, a giant ham, vegetables, and gravy. For dessert we would have trifle with
ice cream, chocolate cake, and brownies. When we have all finished enjoying a nice meal
we would go out into the back yard and play cricket! Which is so much fun and is one of my
family’s favorite games to play. To finish off the day we would drive down to the beach and
take a nice cool dip.

Activity 2: Making a Fashion Statement
In the years following World War II, things slowly returned to normal in New Zealand.
Soldiers returned home and settled back into regular life; and national sporting teams,
like the New Zealand cricket team, got back together and started playing matches again.
In the late 1940s, men and women would go to watch these events, men wearing hats
and suits and women wearing dresses, hats, and gloves.
Compare the pictures of common clothing from the late 1940s to what you wear n
ow (i.e. in 2017). Are they similar or are they quite different?
My style is very different because everyone in the 1940’s look like they are dressed
to go to a very special event,on a common day. I usually wear leggings, jeans’ T - shirts.
I usually wear a nice dress if it is a special occasion. The style of dresses and sock and
shoes the girls are wearing in 1940 are similar to what my mum and auntie would wear to
church as young girls. My great grandmother also wore the types of skirts and blazers the
women in the 1940s are wearing, to special events especially to church.

On your blog tell us which of the two styles you prefer and why. The pictures above
were taken over 65 years ago! What do you think people will be wearing 65 years f
from now?
I think that I would much rather prefer the clothing and styles nowadays because
everyone back then looks boring. In 2017 society people have their own styles and
can wear what makes them comfortable. I think it  is cool because everyone is special
in their own way and can express themselves through what they wear.

What do you think people will be wearing 65 years from now?

I think people will be wearing really weird clothing like dresses made out of plastic,
clear pants, high heels, and really weird designed tops.

Bonus Activity: Sweet Tooth

When World War II ended, a number of people from Europe moved to
New Zealand looking for a peaceful place to live and raise a family.
When they came, they brought recipes and foods from their native countries
with them, including hamburgers, pizza and other delicious foods.

I usually have a chocolate chip cookie with my tea. I love biscuits! What is
your favourite sweet treat or dessert? Use google to find a recipe for it.
Type the recipe out on your blog. Make sure you also include a picture.


100g butter
1 cup of water
1 cup plain flour
3 eggs

To decorate
1 1/2 cups Chelsea Chocolate Icing Sugar
2 Tbsp hot water
Whipped cream

Preheat oven to 200°C bake. Grease two oven trays.

Combine butter and water in saucepan and bring to a rolling boil.
Remove from heat and quickly add flour.

Beat with a wooden spoon until mixture leaves the side of the saucepan.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes then add eggs one at a time, beating well
after each addition until mixture is glossy.

Pipe 7cm strips onto greased oven trays. Bake for 30 minutes or until eclairs are
puffy and golden, then lower heat to 120°C and bake for another 15 minutes. Cool.

Combine Chelsea Chocolate Icing Sugar with enough hot water to form a
spreadable consistency. Fill center of eclairs with whipped cream and top with
chocolate icing.
Image result for chocolate eclairs

Website for recipe - Chocolate eclairs

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 4

Day 4: Another World War (1939-1945)

At the end of the 1930s, the world has been shaken once more by the start of another World War (WWII). World War Two started on the 1st of September, 1939 when an army from Germany invaded a country called Poland. Two days later, England and France declared war on Germany and WWII began.

Activity 1: An Eventful Experience
WWII was made up of many battles and events. Follow this link to read more about the timeline of WWII.

Choose two key events and find out some more information about what happened on those days. On your blog, write a short summary of two events, including the names of people involved and where the event happened.

3 September: Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia declare war on Germany
New Zealand along with Britain , Australia and France were the first countries to have declared war on Nazi Germany, after they failed to retreat from Poland in time set by the allies. British prime minister Neville Chamberlain made an announcement about this on radio for everyone to hear and it marked the beginning of world war 2.  

3 June: Germans bomb Paris. Evacuation of Dunkirk ends
254 people were killed after German air forces bombed the capital of France Paris. There plan was to kill and destroy their economy military, reduce their population and confidence, by bombing they caused lots of fear around the country. France's prime minister Edouard Daladier had to threaten his workers to stay and fight because they were so scared they were trying to flee the country.Even though the British were at the end of completing there evacuation in Dunkirk and France was about to collapse in from the German invaders, Haakon the king of Norway made a confident prediction that his allies would win so he fled Norway to England his country that is now under German residency.
These are the sites I got all my information from - 3 June  3 September

Activity 2:  A Call to Arms
Over the course of WWII, approximately 140,000 New Zealanders were sent overseas to serve in the war. Many were sent to fight in huge battles, including the Battle of the Atlantic that lasted for 2064 days (over 5 years)! The Battle of the Atlantic came to an end in 1943, in large part due to the heroic efforts of people like Lloyd Trigg, a pilot from New Zealand. He was awarded a special medal from the New Zealand Government for his bravery. It is called a Victoria Cross (‘VC’ for short). A total of 22 New Zealanders have been awarded VCs.

Click on this link to find a list of VC winners. Choose one from the Second World War, and read about him. On your blog tell us about him. Who was he? What did he do to earn a Victoria Cross medal?

Donald Brown
Donald Brown was a was a soldier who fought in the Second World War and was awarded a Victorian cross, the highest award for gallantry in the face of a enemy that can be awarded. on the 14 June 1917 he earned his medal because he captured the enemy's most important machine gun positions that helped New Zealanders push through the German lines to fight. He received his award on the 14 of June 1917.

Bonus Activity: Women at Work
Both men and women served in World War II. Many women choose to enlist as nurses and be stationed overseas caring for wounded soldiers. My nana was one of those nurses. She (Dorothy) spent much of World War II working on a large Red Cross ship that was stationed off the coast of Cairo, Egypt.   

For this activity, you are going to imagine that you are just like Dorothy and that you are working as a nurse on a large medical ship.

One day you are walking along the deck of the ship when you hear a loud bang. You start to run as you see smoke coming from the far end of the ship. You run towards the room where your patients are waiting to receive treatment from the doctor. Just as you arrive at the door to their room you hear another loud bang and you…

Complete the story provided above. To earn full points you must write, at least, 8-10 sentences. What happens next?


For this activity, you are going to imagine that you are just like Dorothy and that you are working as a nurse on a large medical ship.

One day you are walking along the deck of the ship when you hear a loud bang. You start to run as you see smoke coming from the far end of the ship. You run towards the room where your patients are waiting to receive treatment from the doctor. Just as you arrive at the door to their room you hear another loud bang.

My Part 
I rush into my patients room to make sure they are OK, then BANG! The lights go out. “Ahhhhhhhhhh” all I can hear are the fearful screams of my patients I try to calm them. Phew, the door flings open a nurse is standing in the doorway yelling " you need to help round up all the nurses hurry up". So I run out behind her then Bang! A humongous wave hits the side of the boat and I come crashing to the ground. As I fell I could hear someone screaming for “heeeeeeeeeelp” I saw another nurse hanging off the side of the boat. I dash to my feet and run to her rescue as fast as my feet could carry me, but the waves were so strong, they keep knocking me over. I fell to the ground again the nurse was in plain sight, then woosh, in just a few seconds the waves got hold of her and she disappeared. I screamed and screamed for help and Ethel came running around the corner to see what happened I told her everything but she pulled me around the corner and what I saw was horrid . The patients were screaming in pain but the most daunting thing I have ever seen, were the dead bodies siting in the corner like a pile of dolls ready to be boxed. I didn't know what to do but Ethel directed me to help one man who's leg looked like it was bitten by a dog 10 times. He was in so much agony, he wanted us to amputate it right then and there. I talked to him and tried to calm him down, but the nurses needed me to run back to the drug room to grab painkillers for the patients. I had to run as fast as I could but the boat was so rocky. When I finally made it into the room I grabbed as many painkiller boxes as my arms could hold, but before I knew the waves were so strong we were upside down...

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 3

Day 3: The Great Depression (The 1930s)

Unfortunately, the wealth and success of the 1920s did not continue into the 1930s. Instead, the stock market in America crashed on Tuesday 29 October 1929. When this happened, people lost a lot of money and much of the world sunk into a deep, financial depression. The 1930s is often referred to as the ‘Great Depression.’

Activity 1: Dealing with Stress
In New Zealand, many people lost their jobs during this decade. Experts predict that as much as 30% of the population was unemployed. It was a very stressful time for families.

Sadly, many of us still experience stress in our lives to this day. When I feel stressed I try to go for a walk or pop into my local gym for a quick workout. Exercise makes me feel better. What about you?

On your blog, please tell us what you do when you want to relax or de-stress. Do you read a favorite book, watch a favorite television show or talk to someone special?  What are your tips for dealing with stress?

{ How I destress }
* When I am stressed I like to sleep because when I am sleeping all my thoughts disappear.

* I also enjoy coloring when I'm stressed because it feels calming.  

* Lastly I enjoy listening to music, watching videos on YouTube, or movies because they help calm me down and make me happy. 

Activity 2: Offering a Helping Hand
During this period, people struggled to find work both here at home and overseas. It was a really tough time for people living in the Great Plains of the United States because they were hit with a huge drought that lasted for most of the decade. Many crops were damaged and farmers were not able to make enough money to feed their families.

Imagine that you were alive in the 1930s. What could you have done to help these families? On your blog, list three different ways that you could raise funds for families to help them buy food and clothing. Be as creative as you can with your fundraising ideas!

{ Fundraising Ideas }
  • I could host a movie marathon to raise money and I could also sell snacks to make extra money.
  • I make a cake stand and sell my baking.
  • I could have a garage sale to recycle some of my old things.

  • I could host a game night for everyone to come over and play.
  • I could also offer to babysit or look after pets.

Bonus Activity: Paying it Forward
In the mid-1930s, things began to change for the better in New Zealand. More people were able to find work and receive a steady paycheck. They were still careful, however, with their money and rarely, if ever, bought treats or gifts for one another.

Imagine that you were able to travel back in time to visit a family in the 1930s. What special gifts or treats would you like to bring with you? I would likely bring blocks of Whittaker’s chocolate, bags of Jet Planes and Pineapple Lumps, healthy food snacks, clothing, and games for the children. What about you?


  • Burger rings
  • Classic salt bluebird chips
  • Nz onion dip
  • The natural party mix  
  • Whittakers chocolate
  • Toffee pops
  • Squiggles ‘
  • Toys for kids
  • Clothes for everyone


Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2

Day 2: The Roaring 20’s (The 1920s)
Activity 1: Popular Culture – The Silent Movie
The 1920s saw a massive surge in the number of people going to the movies. Huge new cinemas were built in both Auckland (The Civic Theater) and Dunedin (Empire De Luxe).  The most popular type of movies showing at local NZ cinemas were ‘silent’ films. Gold Rush is an example of an iconic silent film. It features a famous actor named Charlie Chaplin.

Watch the trailer for Gold Rush. On your blog, tell us what you think the movie is about. There are no words spoken movie so you will need to pay careful attention to what the actors are doing! Do you think you would enjoy watching a silent film? Why/Why not?

This movie is about a journey of a man that meets hilarious people on his trek trying to be the first to discover GOLD!

I think I would enjoy watching this movie but after a while I would get a little bored and confused because no one is speaking and I might not understand what’s going on.

Activity 2: Art Deco
In the 1920s a new artistic movement emerged in New Zealand (and around the world). It was called ‘Art Deco.’ The picture to the right is a classic example of an ‘Art Deco’ piece. Take a close look at the painting. Do you like it?

On your blog, give the painting a rating out of 5 stars (1 star = terrible painting, 2 stars = pretty bad painting, 3 stars = okay painting, 4 stars = good painting and 5 stars = amazing painting). After you’ve rated the painting out of 5, tell us why you gave it that rating.

Self Portrait By Tamara de Lempicka

{ My Rating }
I give this painting 2 stars because it’s not my cup of tea. There is nothing intriguing about it and the women in the painting has no facial expression at all, it looks like she's doesn't want to be in the car driving. It also doesn’t have much colour it just looks so bland.


Bonus Activity: Crossing the Tasman
In 1928, a crew of four men flew, for the first time, across the Tasman from Australia to New Zealand. One of the men on board the Southern Cross airplane was a New Zealander named T.H. McWilliams. His job was to operate the radio in the airplane. Unfortunately, the radio stopped working shortly after take-off and the rain and ice were so heavy that the pilot, Kingsford Smith, couldn’t see out of his front windscreen. Yikes! Fortunately, the plane made it all the way across the Tasman landing in Christchurch after a 14 hour trip.

Imagine that you were a member of the flight crew. Write a poem that describes how you would have felt when you landed safely in Christchurch after such a long trip. Remember, there are lots of different types of poems, and they don’t all have to rhyme. You can read more about different types of poems by clicking here.

{ Colour Poem }
Black is the darkness
Lurking through the air,
Black are the terrifying thoughts going through my head,
Black is the feeling before relief
Black is the feeling before light and happiness.