Day 8 – Sunshine and Swimming Togs
Good morning! It is Day #8 of your journey and, according to the local weather station, today is going to be cloudy and wet. Back home in New Zealand it is sunny and 28 degrees Celsius today. It is a perfect summer day! Think about what you like to do in the summer time and complete one or more of these activities. 
Activity 1
What are your favourite things to do in the summer time? For this activity you have two different options: (1) You can take a picture of yourself doing one of your favourite summer time activities and upload it to your blog along with a description of what you’re doing or (2) you can write a paragraph that tells us about what you love doing in the summer on your blog. It is completely up to you!
What I like to do in the summer is to relax on the couch watching tv and eat ice cream or i like to read a good book I also like to go to the movies with my family go on picnics and go to the beach.
Activity 2
Ask someone in your family or one of your friends what their favourite five things are to do in the summer time. On your blog, write the title ‘Summer Activities’ and, below the title, tell us about the five things that they love to do. 
Summer Activities (MUM)
* Go on picnics
* Go to the beach
* Go to the pools
* Visit family
*Go on holiday.
Bonus Activity
Instead of taking a picture or writing to us, for this activity you are invited to make a short video blog (3-4 minutes). On the video blog please tell us about your favourite summer time activities. Upload the video to your blog. Make sure that you write a short description below the video so that people know what the video is about.
Link to my Recording https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwskxCRW5E2jN3JEdm5ocVlibWM
My recording is about what I enjoy doing in the summer.
Bonus Activity = 15 points
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